Corba Component Model
The CCM is a server-side component model for building and deploying CORBA applications. It is very similar to Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) because it uses accepted design patterns and facilitates their usage, enabling a large amounts of code to be generated. This also allows system services to be implemented by the container provider rather than the application developer. The benefit and need for these types of containers can be observed through the growth of Application Server software. The CCM extends the CORBA object model by defining features and services in a standard environment that enable application developers to implement, manage, configure and deploy components that integrate with commonly used CORBA Services. These server-side services include transactions, security, persistence, and events.
Implementation Progress

TomORB CCM is in infancy status. The container skeleton is based on OpenCCM v0.10 from ExoLab. The service container is ready for testing. Meanwhile TomORB CCM package is under restructured so as to fit the up-to-date CCM standard. The Session container and entity container are under heavily developed. The initial version should be out at the end of 2006.  (July 10, 2006)


SOAP in my mind. Is it a right technology in future?
Most of the people belives that SOAP is the future direction of enterprise technology. It is loosely coupled and widely accepted by almost all the major IT vendors. No matter how the IT vendors say, SOAP is not really ready to replace CORBA today. It lacks some of the solid features in current major SOAP implementations.

No matter how the advantages of SOAP provides, In MS-Windows platform, a SOAP container is an IIS Web Server. In Unix platform, a SOAP container should be an Tomcat or Jetty Web Server. Almost none of the current web server provides two-phase commit transaction feature and reliable secuity feature such as Kerboros protocol (SSL/TLS is an only security option implemented in web service)

Although someone argue that Web Service also provide TRASACTION and SECURITY specs to fill these two important gaps, none of the current implementation provides any widely used products to satify the custome needs. Absolutely, most of the running web service application is non-transactional and may or may not be secured by SSL.

No matter what I say, more and more people shift to use web service in future. How Corba attacts the people to stay in Corba camp?

As the figure above, ...