Write the First Corba Program in VB.Net
Create a IDL script first
Write the IDL Script: (server.idl)
module demo
    module hello 
        interface GoodDay 
            string hello_simple();
            wstring hello_wide( in wstring msg );            
Complete the implementation of the corba function calls
Write the Operation Implementation: (GoodDayImpl.vb)
Imports Org.Omg.CORBA

Namespace demo.hello

  Public Class GoodDayImpl
    Inherits GoodDayPOA

    Private location As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal location As String)
      Me.location = location
    End Sub

    Public Overrides Function hello_simple() As String
      Return "Hello World, from " + location
    End Function

    Public Overrides Function hello_wide(ByVal wide_msg As String) As String       
      Console.WriteLine("The message is: " + wide_msg)
      Return "Hello W?rld, from ?1 2 3 0 *&^%$#@!@"
    End Function

  End Class

End Namespace
Create a corba server
Write the server program: (Server.vb)
Imports System.IO
Imports Org.Omg.CORBA
Imports Org.Omg.PortableServer
Imports System
Imports Org.Omg.CosNaming

Namespace demo.hello

  Public Class Server

    Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

        ' init ORB
        Dim orb As orb = orb.Init(args, Nothing)
        ' init POA
        Dim poa As Org.Omg.PortableServer.POA = POAHelper.Narrow(orb.Resolve_Initial_References("RootPOA"))

        ' create a GoodDay object
        Dim goodDayImpl As goodDayImpl = New goodDayImpl("Somewhere")

        ' create the object reference
        Dim obj As Org.Omg.CORBA.Object = poa.Servant_To_Reference(goodDayImpl)

        If args.Length = 1 Then
          Dim stmWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(File.Open(args(0), FileMode.Create))
          ' register server with naming context
          Dim nc As NamingContextExt = NamingContextExtHelper.Narrow(orb.Resolve_Initial_References("NameService"))     
          nc.Bind(nc.To_Name("HelloServer.service"), obj)
        End If

        ' wait for requests

      Catch e As Exception
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Msg : " + e.Message)
      End Try

    End Sub
  End Class

End Namespace
Create a corba client
Write the client program: (Client.vb)
Imports System.IO
Imports Org.Omg.CORBA
Imports Org.Omg.CosNaming

Namespace demo.hello

  Public Class Client

    Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

      ' initialize the ORB.
      Dim orb As Org.Omg.CORBA.ORB = Org.Omg.CORBA.ORB.Init(args, Nothing)
        Dim goodDay As GoodDay

        If args.Length = 1 Then
          Dim stmReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(File.Open(args(0), FileMode.Open))
          Dim reference As String = stmReader.ReadLine()

          ' and narrow it to HelloWorld.GoodDay
          ' if this fails, a BAD_PARAM will be thrown
          goodDay = GoodDayHelper.Narrow(orb.String_To_Object(reference))
          ' get hold of the naming service
          Dim nc As NamingContextExt = NamingContextExtHelper.Narrow(orb.Resolve_Initial_References("NameService"))      
          goodDay = GoodDayHelper.Narrow(nc.Resolve(nc.To_Name("HelloServer.service")))
        End If

        ' invoke the operation and print the result

        ' invoke the operation again and print the wide string result
        Console.WriteLine("wide string: " + goodDay.Hello_Wide("Hello W?rld, from ??1 2 3 0 *&^%$#@!@"))

      Catch ex As Exception
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Msg : " + ex.Message)
      End Try
    End Sub

  End Class

End Namespace
How to test

Suppose you are using Win32 platform and have installed .Net Framework v1.1

1.	create a working directory

2.	copy the <tomorb_home>\config\csharp\tomorb_config.xml
	into the working directory and edit the name service reference as follow:


3.	Put all the source codes into this directory

4.	Make sure to copy the runtime libraries from the distribution directory (<tomorb_home>dist\net-1.1\bin)
	copy <tomorb home>\dist\net-1.1\bin\TomORB*.* .
	fire the following command to register strongname libraries into GAC 

5.	Compile the Idl file (server.idl)
    6. type the following command to compile the IDL script into VB.Net: <tomorb_home>\dist\net-1.1\js-bin\idl2c.exe -lang VB -I . -d Generated server.idl or <tomorb_home>\dist\net-1.1\bin\idl2c.exe -lang VB -I . -d Generated server.idl 7. Compile the source files vbc /target:exe /out:hello-server.exe Server.vb GoodDayImpl.vb /recurse:Generated\*.vb /r:TomORB_Based,TomORB,TomORB_CosNaming,System,System.Xml vbc /target:exe /out:hello-client.exe Client.vb GoodDayImpl.vb /recurse:Generated\*.vb /r:TomORB_Based,TomORB,TomORB_CosNaming,System,System.Xml 8. Start name service <tomorb_home>\dist\net-1.1\bin\namesvc.exe c:\NS_Ref 9. run server program in one console with the following command hello-server.exe 10. run client program in another console to test against the server program hello-client.exe Compile and test the programs by running the NAnt script