IDL Complex Types
custom valuetype

The CORBA custom valuetype (TBD) ..... 

It maps to VB's class type.

custom valuetype valueExample
   private long number_state;
   public string name_state;
   void print();
// VB
Imports System

Namespace demo.obv.custom
   ' Value Type definition : valueExample
   ' @author TomORB VB Native Compiler 1.0rc1
   <Serializable()> _
   Public MustInherit Class valueExample
      Implements demo.obv.custom.aValueBase, Org.Omg.CORBA.Portable.CustomValue
      ' Private member : number_state
      Protected number_state As Integer
      ' Public member : name_state
      Public name_state As String
      '  Abstract Read accessor for number attribute
      '  @return the attribute value
      Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property number As Integer

      '  Abstract Operation Print
      Public MustOverride Sub Print()

      ' inherited abstract operations in the last abstract valuetypes

      '  Abstract Read accessor for number0 attribute
      '  @return the attribute value
      Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property number0 As Integer Implements demo.obv.custom.aValueBase.number0
      '  Abstract Operation Print_Base
      Public MustOverride Sub Print_Base() Implements demo.obv.custom.aValueBase.Print_Base

      Public MustOverride Sub Unmarshal(_is As Org.Omg.CORBA.DataInputStream)  Implements Org.Omg.CORBA.CustomMarshal.Unmarshal

      Public MustOverride Sub Marshal(_os As Org.Omg.CORBA.DataOutputStream)  Implements Org.Omg.CORBA.CustomMarshal.Marshal

      ' Return the truncatable ids
      Shared _ids_list As String() = New String() {"IDL:demo/obv/custom/valueExample:1.0"}

      Public Overridable Function _Truncatable_Ids() As String() Implements Org.Omg.CORBA.Portable.ValueBase._Truncatable_Ids
         Return _ids_list
      End Function

   End Class

End Namespace

Namespace demo.obv.custom
   ' Helper class for : valueExample
   ' @author TomORB VB Native Compiler 1.0rc1
   Public Class valueExampleHelper
      ' Insert valueExample into an any
      ' param name="a" an any
      ' param name="t" valueExample value
      Public Shared Sub Insert(a As Org.Omg.CORBA.Any, t As demo.obv.custom.valueExample)
         a.Insert_Value(t, Type())
      End Sub

      ' Extract valueExample from an any
      ' @param a an any
      ' @return the extracted valueExample value
      Public Shared Function Extract(a As Org.Omg.CORBA.Any) As demo.obv.custom.valueExample
         If Not(a.Type().Equal(Type())) Then
            Throw New Org.Omg.CORBA.MARSHAL()
         End If
            Return CType(a.Extract_Value(),demo.obv.custom.valueExample)
         Catch e As System.InvalidCastException
            Throw New Org.Omg.CORBA.MARSHAL(e.Message)
         End Try
      End Function

      ' Internal TypeCode value
      Private Shared _tc As Org.Omg.CORBA.TypeCode = Nothing
      Private Shared _working As Boolean = false

      ' Return the valueExample TypeCode
      ' @return a TypeCode
      Public Shared Function Type() As Org.Omg.CORBA.TypeCode
         If _tc Is Nothing Then
            SyncLock (GetType(Org.Omg.CORBA.TypeCode))
               If Not(_tc Is Nothing) Then
                  Return _tc
               End If
               If _working Then
                  Return Org.Omg.CORBA.ORB.Init().Create_Recursive_TC(Id())
               End If
               _working = True
               Dim orb As Org.Omg.CORBA.ORB = Org.Omg.CORBA.ORB.Init()
               Dim _members() As Org.Omg.CORBA.ValueMember = New Org.Omg.CORBA.ValueMember(1){}

               _members(0) = New Org.Omg.CORBA.ValueMember()
               _members(0).name = "number_state"
               _members(0).type = orb.Get_Primitive_TC(Org.Omg.CORBA.TCKind.tk_long)
               _members(0).access = Org.Omg.CORBA.PRIVATE_MEMBER.value
               _members(1) = New Org.Omg.CORBA.ValueMember()
               _members(1).name = "name_state"
               _members(1).type = orb.Get_Primitive_TC(Org.Omg.CORBA.TCKind.tk_string)
               _members(1).access = Org.Omg.CORBA.PUBLIC_MEMBER.value

               Dim _concrete_tc As Org.Omg.CORBA.TypeCode = orb.Get_Primitive_TC(Org.Omg.CORBA.TCKind.tk_null)

               _tc = orb.Create_Value_TC(Id(),"valueExample",Org.Omg.CORBA.VM_CUSTOM.value,_concrete_tc,_members)
               _working = False
            End SyncLock
         End If
         Return _tc
      End Function

      ' Return the valueExample IDL ID
      ' @return an ID
      Public Shared Function Id() As String
         Return _id
      End Function

      Private Shared _id As String = "IDL:demo/obv/custom/valueExample:1.0"

      ' Read valueExample from a marshalled stream
      ' @param istream the input stream
      ' @return the readed valueExample value
      Public Shared Function Read(istream As Org.Omg.CORBA.Portable.InputStream) As demo.obv.custom.valueExample
         Return CType(CType(istream, Org.Omg.CORBA_2_3.Portable.InputStream).Read_Value(_id),demo.obv.custom.valueExample)
      End Function

      ' Write valueExample into a marshalled stream
      ' @param ostream the output stream
      ' @param value valueExample value
      Public Shared Sub Write(ostream As Org.Omg.CORBA.Portable.OutputStream, value As demo.obv.custom.valueExample)
         CType(ostream, Org.Omg.CORBA_2_3.Portable.OutputStream).Write_Value(value, _id)
      End Sub

   End Class

End Namespace