IDL Complex Types
fixed The CORBA fixed is represented by a non CORBA standard class - Org.Omg.CORBA.Fixed.  The typedef definition is mapped to a VB's helper class as follow:
typedef fixed<5,2> fixedT;
// VB
Namespace demo.grid.MyServerPackage
   ' Helper class for : fixedT
   ' @author TomORB VB Native Compiler 1.0rc1
   Public Class fixedTHelper
      ' Insert fixedT into an any
      ' param name="a" an any
      ' param name="t" fixedT value
      Public Shared Sub Insert(a As Org.Omg.CORBA.Any, t As Org.Omg.CORBA.Fixed)
      End Sub

      ' Extract fixedT from an any
      ' @param a an any
      ' @return the extracted fixedT value
      Public Shared Function Extract(a As Org.Omg.CORBA.Any) As Org.Omg.CORBA.Fixed
         If Not(a.Type().Equal(Type())) Then
            Throw New Org.Omg.CORBA.MARSHAL()
         End If
         Return Read(a.Create_Input_Stream())
      End Function

      ' Internal TypeCode value
      Private Shared _tc As Org.Omg.CORBA.TypeCode = Nothing

      ' Return the fixedT TypeCode
      ' @return a TypeCode
      Public Shared Function Type() As Org.Omg.CORBA.TypeCode
         If _tc Is Nothing Then
            Dim orb As Org.Omg.CORBA.ORB = Org.Omg.CORBA.ORB.Init()
            _tc = orb.Create_Alias_TC(Id(),"fixedT",orb.Create_Fixed_TC( 
                    Convert.ToUInt16(5), Convert.ToInt16(2) ))
         End If
         Return _tc
      End Function

      ' Return the fixedT IDL ID
      ' @return an ID
      Public Shared Function Id() As String
         Return _id
      End Function

      Private Shared _id As String = "IDL:demo/grid/MyServer/fixedT:1.0"

      ' Read fixedT from a marshalled stream
      ' @param istream the input stream
      ' @return the readed fixedT value
      Public Shared Function Read(istream As Org.Omg.CORBA.Portable.InputStream) 
                As Org.Omg.CORBA.Fixed
         Dim _f As Org.Omg.CORBA.Fixed = istream.Read_Fixed()
         Return _f.MovePointLeft(2)
      End Function

      ' Write fixedT into a marshalled stream
      ' @param ostream the output stream
      ' @param value fixedT value
      Public Shared Sub Write(ostream As Org.Omg.CORBA.Portable.OutputStream, 
                              value As Org.Omg.CORBA.Fixed)
         If value.Scale <> 2 Then
            Throw New Org.Omg.CORBA.DATA_CONVERSION()
         End If
      End Sub

   End Class

End Namespace