IDL Complex Types
box valuetype

The CORBA box valuetype (TBD) ...... 

It maps to VB's class type.

valuetype longBox long;
// VB 

Imports System

Namespace demo.obv.valuebox
   ' Value box definition : longBox
   ' @author TomORB VB Native Compiler 1.0rc1
   <Serializable()> _
   Public Class longBox
      Implements Org.Omg.CORBA.Portable.ValueBase
      ' Reference to the boxed value
      Public value As Integer

      ' Constructor
      ' @param initial the initial boxed value
      Public Sub New(initial As Integer)
         value = initial
      End Sub

      ' Return value box id
      Private Shared _ids As String() = New String(){ longBoxHelper.Id() }

      ' Return truncatable ids
      Public Function _Truncatable_Ids() As String() 
             Implements Org.Omg.CORBA.Portable.ValueBase._Truncatable_Ids
         Return _ids
      End Function

   End Class

End Namespace

Imports System

Namespace demo.obv.valuebox
   ' Value box definition : longBox
   ' @author TomORB VB Native Compiler 1.0rc1
   <Serializable()> _
   Public Class longBox
      Implements Org.Omg.CORBA.Portable.ValueBase
      ' Reference to the boxed value
      Public value As Integer

      ' Constructor
      ' @param initial the initial boxed value
      Public Sub New(initial As Integer)
         value = initial
      End Sub

      ' Return value box id
      Private Shared _ids As String() = New String(){ longBoxHelper.Id() }

      ' Return truncatable ids
      Public Function _Truncatable_Ids() As String() 
             Implements Org.Omg.CORBA.Portable.ValueBase._Truncatable_Ids
         Return _ids
      End Function

   End Class

End Namespace